
Marmora Asiatica, towards archaeopetrology in Poland (abbreviated in Marmora Asiatica) is a multi-disciplinary project launched by the Institute (since 1 September 2020 Faculty) of Archaeology at the University of Warsaw, financed by the National Science Centre of the Republic of Poland (grant number DEC-2012/07/E/HS3/03971, programme SONATA BIS). The project is supported by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey and by the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration of the Republic of Turkey (MTA), and the Polish Embassy in Ankara.



The project broadly investigates the exploitation of ancient white and grey marbles and marble quarries in Graeco-Roman Asia Minor. Its interdisciplinary nature, which combines Classical studies with cutting-edge archaeological and archaeometrical techniques, contributes a unique perspective within the scientific community.
